DUI Defense Blog
5 Things Illinois Drivers Must Know About Wisconsin OWI
If you are an Illinois resident accused of drunk driving in Wisconsin you must act…
Penalties for a First Offense Wisconsin OWI
After an arrest for a First Offense Wisconsin OWI, many people have questions about their…
Taking Your Wisconsin DUI to Trial
The process of court proceedings for a Wisconsin DUI charge begins with a “not guilty”…
Alcohol Assessment Wisconsin
Every person charged with a Wisconsin DUI is required to attend an alcohol assessment.
Wisconsin OWI – One Drink and You’re “Drunk”
It might be time to bust out the O’Doul’s®! The National Highway Safety Board (NHSB)…
OWI First Offense in Wisconsin
An arrest for a first offense Wisconsin OWI can be scary. Suddenly all sorts of…
Illinois Drivers & Wisconsin OWI’s
Illinois Drivers Beware! If you are charged with a WI DUI you face much harsher…
Proposed New 2013 Wisconsin OWI Law Amendments
New Wisconsin OWI laws are being proposed by Rep. Jim Ott and Sen. Alberta Darling…
Wisconsin DUI Penalties: Life Changing Impact
A DUI will affect you professionally, socially, and financially. There are many aspects a life…
Wisconsin DUI License Suspension Hearings
If you have been arrested for a WI DUI, you need to act quickly. Although…
Understanding & Attacking Wisconsin DUI Blood Tests
First things first! Science is Binary! This means that there are only two possible outcomes.
Fighting WI DUI BreathTests
There are two forms of Chemical evidence for a WI DUI, a blood test or…