DUI Defense Blog
Wisconsin Drugged Drivers: Determining Impairment Levels
Driving under the influence of prescription drugs in nothing new in the State of Wisconsin.…
Alcohol Influence Report for Drunk Driving in wisconsin
A Wisconsin police officer arresting a driver for driving under the influence will conduct a…
A Breath Test is a Lawful Police Search When Administered at a Probation Office
After multiple Wisconsin DUI arrests, it is common to be placed on probation after serving…
Arrested for Wisconsin DUI Even if You Pass Field Sobriety Tests
A person who has consumed a few drinks over “happy hour” or while out to…
Wisconsin DUI Defense Jury Selection
If you are charged with a criminal DUI in Wisconsin, you will have a jury…
Guilty or Not Guilty: What’s at Stake with Your Wisconsin DUI
The choice of fighting a Wisconsin DUI will come to an end when a person…
Wisconsin Police Officer Observation for Influence of Alcohol
Wisconsin police officers are trained to look for certain cues to indicate a person’s level…
Wisconsin DUI Charge: Driving v. Operating a Motor Vehicle
Getting a DUI charge for driving a vehicle is upsetting enough, but getting a DUI…
Determining wisconsin blood alcohol content – BAC
Some may think it is easy to determine a person’s Blood Alcohol Content (BAC) because…
The Effects of Mouth Alcohol on Wisconsin Drunk Driving Breath Tests
When a Wisconsin police officer pulls over a driver suspected of drunk driving, there are…
Wisconsin Drunk Driving Suspension Review Hearings
A person arrested for a Wisconsin OWI is given a Notice of Intent for Suspension…
5 Mistakes You Make After Getting a Wisconsin Owi
A person should understand their rights after receiving a Wisconsin OWI. It is also important…