Ignition Interlock Devices

Wisconsin owi ignition interlock device

What is an ignition interlock device?

An Ignition Interlock Device or IID is a small device that may be required to be installed in your vehicle as one of the DUI penalties in the State of Wisconsin. An Ignition Interlock Device is a small handheld mechanism, similar in size to a portable breathalyzer, that is installed directly into the ignition of your vehicle. In order to start and operate your vehicle, you will be required to blow into the device to prove you do not have alcohol within your body. If the IID detects a blood alcohol concentration above .025, the IID will not allow your vehicle to start.

When will an ignition interlock device be required?

The law requires a Wisconsin Ignition Interlock Device to be installed when a person is convicted of:

  1. A First Offense DUI with a Blood Alcohol Concentration of .15 or above;
  2. Any Second or Subsequent DUI;
  3. Any Refusal to submit to Blood Alcohol Concentration testing.

How long will i be required to use

If your DUI conviction requires an Ingition Interlock Device, it will have to be installed and maintained in your vehicle for the minimum period of one year. If you qualify for an occupational license, you will need to have the IID installed prior to the Wisconsin Department of Motor Vehicles granting your temporary work license.

If you do not qualify for an occupational license, the 1-year IID requirement will start when your license is reinstated.

If i have more than one vehicle will I need to install multiple ignition interlock devices?
If you are ordered to install an Ignition Interlock Device, Wisconsin law will require that you install an IID into any vehicle that is titled in your name.

Violating requirements

If an Ignition Interlock Device is required and is tampered with, removed, or in anyway avoided, the mandatory period of time required may be extended by 6 months.

Who installs court-approved ignition interlock devices?

Here is a list of a few court-approved IID installers:

  1. Draeger Safety Diagnostics: 1-800-332-6858
  2. Consumer Safety Technology: 1-877-777-5020
  3. National Interlock Service: 1-800-584-1226
  4. Smart Start: 1-800-880-3394

Other questions relating to iid’s?

Contact your DUI lawyer Milwaukee at Nathan J. Dineen Attorney At Law if you have any further questions regarding Wisconsin laws and Ignition Interlock Device Requirements.

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