New Device Developed as Alternative to Blood and Breath Tests
A new device has been developed as an alternative to blood and breath tests currently being used in DUI cases to determine the blood alcohol level content of a suspected drunk driver. The device could also be used by an individual wishing to monitor their own alcohol level while drinking to ensure they are safe to drive.
The device, designed by researchers at the University of California at San Diego, is being described as similar to a temporary tattoo. It contains a sensor which adheres to a person’s arm. The sensor consists of silver and silver chloride electrodes that react to a person’s sweat. The electrodes produce an electrical current over the course of a few minutes which then induces sweat production. A gel-like film surfaces on the skin under the sensors. The alcohol concentration level is then determined and the results can be sent instantly to a phone, computer, tablet, or other mobile device using Bluetooth technology.
The sensor has not yet been named and is not yet on the market, however the creators promise an easy and fast way to get an accurate reading of blood alcohol levels. The idea of consumers being able to purchase for their own use may sound like a great idea. A person would be able to enjoy situations involving drinking alcohol while being able to monitor their BAC. When levels are approaching the legal limit, an alert may be sent to the user’s phone. There should be some caution with personal use however, as blood alcohol concentration levels are not an exact science and many factors come in to play.
The new technology may offer law enforcement officers an alternate solution to be able to get a quick and non-invasive reading. The accuracy of breathalyzer readings is constantly being challenged, and this device promises to be more precise. Blood tests are time consuming, both to get the procedure completed and also when waiting for the results. Taking the blood test is also considered invasive by many as a way to determine the blood alcohol level in a person’s body. This device would allow officers to determine the results in a matter of minutes right on the side of the road. However, this may pose an issue of whether or not it constitutes an “unreasonable search and seizure” and would therefore, be a violation of our Fourth Amendment rights.
Still Too New to Know
Time will tell if this device will progress into a tool that becomes mainstream for use by individuals and law enforcement. If you have been arrested for a blood alcohol level over the legal limit, Wisconsin DUI Defense Attorney Nathan J. Dineen is your best defense. He practices 100% DUI/OWI charges throughout Wisconsin and is Certified Forensic Drug and Alcohol Attorney, Certified Field Sobriety Test Instructor, and Certified Drug Recognition Evaluator (DRE). Contact Attorney Dineen at 877-384-6800 for a Free Case Evaluation of your DUI.