What is a SCRAM Bracelet?

A SCRAM bracelet, short for Secure Continuous Remote Alcohol Monitor, is a lightweight ankle bracelet (approx. 8 oz) designed to keep track of the wearer’s blood alcohol concentration through measuring his or her perspiration every thirty minutes. This alcohol monitoring system measures and analyzes the amount of alcohol the wearer’s system.

The Bracelet includes the same fuel cell technology found in portable breath testing devices. The fuel cell reacts with ethanol to measure the blood alcohol content. But instead of breathing into the system, the SCRAM Bracelet takes in a sample of the perspiration to test for the presence of alcohol.

Why Do I Have to Wear an Ankle Bracelet?

Continuous alcohol monitoring using a SCRAM device is often a condition of probation or as alternatives to incarceration. SCRAM Systems are being used to support treatment and to enhance supervision for:

  • Multiple-time drunk driving offenders
  • Domestic violence offenders where alcohol is a contributing factor
  • Family court, either to enforce a parent’s sobriety or to assess a parent for their consumption of alcohol on a daily basis. (Often SCRAM monitoring is required as a condition of custody or visitation.)
  • Underage drinking, as a method to assess and deter drinkers under the age of 21 from re-offending
  • Drug Court offenders, who often turn to alcohol as their drug of choice once they are actively being tested for drug use

What Happens if I Try to Remove My Scram Bracelet?

SCRAM devices are virtually tamper-proof. They are designed with temperature sensors, an infrared sensor, and a built-in security screw and tamperproof clasp the alerts the monitoring company of any attempts to defeat the system. The court or probation departments will receive notice of you tampering with the device.

What are the Drawbacks of a SCRAM Bracelet?

Most program participants have found alcohol-monitoring bracelets to be uncomfortable as they tend to irritate that skin. Also, they are NOT waterproof. If submerged in water, an alarm will be triggered to the monitoring officials as an attempt to defeat the system. Showers are the only permitted form of bathing. Swimming is not allowed.

Given the sensitivity of alcohol monitoring devices, individuals are instructed against using products with alcohol as an ingredient to avoid a false alcohol report. These products include beverages, mouthwash, colognes, perfumes, hairsprays, and some lotions.

Who Monitors SCRAM Results?

The readings are sent to a remote computer that acts as a central clearing house of data where it is monitored and interpreted. The data for each specific offender is then available to the home state’s monitoring agency through a secure Internet Web site.

What Happens If You Are Caught Drinking and Receive a Positive Test Result?

Scram test results are uploaded daily on a 24-hour basis. If any displayed result has a confirmed violation, immediate notification will occur. This may be done via email, text, or phone. When sobriety is a condition of bond, violation may result in additional charges of bail jumping.

How Much Does a Person Have to Drink to Register a Positive Test Result on SCRAM CAM?

The SCRAM CAM Bracelet detects low-level alcohol consumption and uses the same technology found in Breathalyzers. Because of this, the blood alcohol level that would give a positive result on a Breathalyzer would give a positive result on the SCRAM Bracelet. The minimum blood alcohol concentration needed is 0.02.

For a man weighing 180-pounds, this BAC level is achieved in 2 or fewer drinks in an hour or when consumed on an empty stomach. If an offender registers a BAC level lower than 0.02 on the SCRAM Bracelet, the probation officer or court may decide to address this with the offender.

Can I Wear a SCRAM Bracelet Voluntarily?

Yes. Wearing a SCRAM Bracelet voluntarily may positively affect your sentence. However, deciding whether to wear a SCRAM Bracelet is an intensely personal decision. If you can overcome an alcohol addiction it can drastically reduce any potential jail time. Conversely, if you are found in violation it can have an equally drastic negative impact on your potential sentencing.

How Long Do I Have to Wear an Ankle Monitor?

Each offender’s case is individually decided upon by the court in which they were sentenced. Factors include the number and severity of the offense and prior criminal history. Pretrial monitoring may range from a period of 60 to 90 days to the entirety of the pretrial period. As a condition of probation, the length of monitoring is generally left to the probation agent’s discretion.

What Happens if I Remove My SCRAM Bracelet?

We advise not tampering with an alcohol-monitoring bracelet as you can face criminal charges and revocation of probation for doing so.

How Much Does an Ankle Monitor Cost?

The fees are usually the responsibility of the offender. There is an initial installation fee which can range from $50-$100. The daily monitoring fees can vary depending on a few factors such as location, availability of service provider, wage of offender, period of time in program and other court-related fees and costs. ($2-$20 per day is the national average monitoring fee).

Does Putting Your Ankle in Ice Water Affect a SCRAM Bracelet?

alert when there are drastic temperature changes. Even worse, submerging the SCRAM device in water may count as a probation violation.

If you have questions regarding wearing a SCRAM device and the impact it may have on your drunk driving charge, contact Criminal Defense Nathan J. Dineen Attorney At Law today.

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